Professional Manufacturers

Position measurement and control


Permanent Magnetic Level Indicators
Better Performance by Design
  By innovative design, the permanent magnetic level indicator is

  - More Reliable for accurate signaling
  - More Durable for longer operational life
  - More Dependable under harsh operating conditions    - More Energy efficient
  - Less Maintenance
  - More Adaptable installation

  Features & Advantages: Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator vs. Rotary-Resistance Level Indicator

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator Rotary-Resistance Level Indicator
Design  Driven by electromagnets; less moving parts; no mechanical malfunctions; no need of maintenance. Driven by the motor; more moving parts; potential mechanical malfunctions; need lots of maintenance.
Signal Output Output by the electronic switch with delay function; very energy efficient. Output by mechanical switch without delay function; high energy consumption.
Sealability Static seal; performs well in high humidity, high pressure, and high-temperature environment; Higher IP rating up to IP67; waterproof, dustproof and shockproof. Motive seal; Performance suffers in high humidity, high pressure, and high-temperature environment. Lower IP rating as of IP54; Not waterproof, dustproof and shockproof.
Transport & Installation Light and easy to transport; easy and adaptable installation;  Heavy and not easy to transport; complex installation and the height is not adjustable; 
Applicable Wide applications: Not limited by material density; No need for sensitivity testing/adjustment. Able to detect the liquid level. Limited applications: material density has to be higher than a certain threshold; Need for sensitivity testing/adjustment; Not able to detect liquid level.
Wiring Flexibility of wiring; with two wire product. Inflexibility of wiring; without two wire product.
 Features & Advantages: Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator vs RF Capacitance Level Indicator

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator RF Capacitance Level Indicator
Design Electromechanical design; Super reliable; Self-cleans to some extent and requires no maintenance Electronic design; False signals if the materials wrap up; Requires lots of maintenance
Enclosure Stainless enclosure;  Durable Plastic or Brass enclosure; Not Durable
Performance under a tough environment Performs well in high humidity, high pressure, and high-temperature environment; Higher IP rating up to IP67; waterproof and dustproof Performance suffers in high humidity, high pressure, and high temperature; Lower IP rating as of IP54; Not waterproof and dustproof
Applicable Widely applicable: Not sensitive to the dielectric constant of different materials; No need for testing/adjustment Limited applicable: Not suitable to detect low dielectric constant materials; Sensitivity needs to be adjusted

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator
Huge Cost Savings

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator Rotary-Resistance Level Indicator
Equipment Manufacturers (Savings to you) Market Price The average price of $200 The price range of $200-$700. Take an average price of $250 for comparison.
Shipping Cost Each indicator weight about 250g. Take the average shipping cost of $5/g. Each indicator may weight 2.5kg. Average shipping cost can be $20. 
Lifetime Ten years Four years
Annual Installation Cost Consider that each one takes 0.5 hours to install at an hourly rate of $100, installation costs per year is $5 (0.5-hour x $100 per hour / ten years). Consider that each one takes 2 hours to install at an hourly rate of $100, installation costs per year is $50 (2-hour x $100 per hour / 4 years).
Total Annual Usage Assume 3,600 units  Assume 3,600 units
Total Annual Cost (($200+$5)/10 + $5) x 3600 ≈ $92k (($250+$20)/4 + $50) x 3600 ≈ $423k
Total Annual Savings $423k - $92k ≈ $330k. If we consider maintenance, cost savings will be even higher.
Equipment End Users (Savings to your clients) Annual Energy Cost 0.2W/hr x 24hrs x 365days /1000 = 1.75kwh  5W/hr x 24hrs x 365days /1000 =43.8kwh 
Assume electricity price of $0.25/kw, annual energy cost = $0.44 per year Assume electricity price of $0.25/kw, annual energy cost = $10.95 per year
Malfunction rate Almost no false detection. Assumes that each unit will malfunction once in a lifetime. Annual malfunction times = 1/10years = 0.1. False detection occasionally. Assumes that each unit will malfunction twice over a lifetime. Annual malfunction times = 2/4years = 0.5.
Loss due to malfunction Assumes that each malfunction event may incur a loss of $500, annual loss due to malfunction per unit will be $50 (=$500 x 0.1).  Assumes that each malfunction event may incur a loss of $500, annual loss due to malfunction per unit will be $250 (=$500 x 0.5).
Annual Usage Assume 200 units per client Assume 200 units per client
Total Annual Cost  ($50+$0.44) x 200 ≈ $10k ($250+$10.95) x 200 ≈ $52k
Total Annual Cost Savings $52k - $10k = $42k. This is the average savings to each of your clients by using our better technology, without taking into consideration any price decrease benefits.

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator
Huge Cost Savings

Permanent Magnetic Level Indicator RF Capacitance Level Indicator
Equipment Manufacturers Market Price The average price of $200 The price range of $50-$300. Take an average price of $150 for comparison.
Lifetime Ten years Four years
Annual Installation Cost Consider that each one takes 0.5 hours to install at an hourly rate of $100, installation costs per year is $5 (0.5-hour x $100 per hour / ten years). Consider that each one takes 1 hour to install at an hourly rate of $100, installation costs per year is $25 (1-hour x $100 per hour / four years).
Total Annual Usage Assume 3,600 units  Assume 3,600 units
Total Annual Cost ($200/10 + $5) x 3600 ≈ $92k ($150/4 + $25) x 3600 ≈ $243k
Total Annual Savings $243k - $92k ≈ $151k. If we consider maintenance, cost savings will be even higher.
Malfunction rate Almost no false detection. Assumes that each unit will malfunction once in a lifetime. Annual malfunction times = 1/10years = 0.1. False detection occasionally. Assumes that each unit will malfunction four times over a lifetime. Annual malfunction times = 4/4years = 1.
Loss due to malfunction Assumes that each malfunction event may incur a loss of $500, annual loss due to malfunction per unit will be $50 (=$500 x 0.1).  Assumes that each malfunction event may incur a loss of $500, annual loss due to malfunction per unit will be $500 (=$500 x 1).
Annual Usage Assume 200 units per client Assume 200 units per client
Total Annual Cost $50 x 200 ≈ $10k $500 x 200 ≈ $100k
Total Annual Savings $100k - $10k = $90k. This is the average savings to each of your clients by using our better technology, without taking into consideration any price decrease benefits.

Detailed address: No.1,Guihuayuan Rd.Yueyanglou District,Yueyang City,Hunan 414002,China